Update #8
I just finished watching Bill's documentary, "Religulous" for the third time and boy, do him and Larry Charles make a fantastic team! So, because I was reminded of my adoration for Bill and his unapologetic sense of humor, I looked him up! The most interesting thing came up and it's the picture that you're probably furrowing your eyebrows at right now. Apparently, he angrily refused to apologise for wearing a bloody Steve Irwin Halloween costume. Maher, speaking on his US TV talkshow, Real Time with Bill Maher, suggested Irwin may have been "doing something" to the stingray that killed him that he "shouldn't have been".
"Stop hassling me about my Halloween costume. Yes, you've seen it on the internet. I went as the Crocodile Hunter with a bloody stinger in my chest...People who really love animals understand if you get killed by one, chances are you were doing something to it you shouldn't have been...You want me to apologise for making a joke? Who do you think I am, John Kerry?"
And that, my friends, is why I love Bill Maher. Disagree with me on this one and say it was in bad taste but first of all, would you have had the guts to wear that costume - even if you secretly thought it was quite funny? I think not. Secondly, as so NOT-PC this costume was, you cannot deny the fact that, as usual, Bill has a point. Chances are, Irwin really was doing something he shouldn't have with the animal in the first place and remember, Maher is a comedian, not a politician. But alas, it's clear to me now that, ironically, the two men share(d?) one thing and that is a fearlessness (some would call it idiocracy) that I could only wish to have a shred of inside myself.
-K xoxo