I am SO sick of this Michael Jackson business - can we get back to some REAL news? I agree with everything Bill O'Reilly says here - yes, I know that is astounding. For the first time since watching him in disgust, I really do agree with every word Bill says here...
Michael was going to die early because of the way he treated his body and his soul, I was not surprised to hear about his death. I was shocked for hearing it during my prom, but once it sunk in, I really was not upset or saddened. Call me insensitive, but I am not upset. His death does not eliminate his fantastic music which will be left for all of us to enjoy FOREVER. He is not a pillar for black america, that is a ridiculous statement and watching his "funeral" service was sickening. I literally stared at the television in dismay, staring at the media who brought him up, then brought him down with child molestation charges, and now talks about him as if he is the Messiah. We all live and we all die. When you reach 50, and you were a child star, chances are you're not going to come out with something to top your greatest hits. I don't feel happy or sad about his death - I simply do not care. I think we should all start to feel this way and start covering some real news, about real people who live in the real world and stop talking about a delusional man who never had the chance to grow up and get REAL.
-K xoxo
This March, Tim Burton takes us down the Rabbit Hole again!

Johnny Depp (Mad Hatter), Helena Bonham-Carter (The Red Queen), and Anne Hathaway (The White Queen) look stunning in these new photos from the upcoming bound-to-be-a-classic retelling of Alice in Wonderland, from the deviously talented Mr. Tim Burton himself. Another Depp/Burton team up - what more could a person ask for? Just a few of the fantastic actors filling out the rest of the cast are: Alan Rickman, Michael Sheen, Christopher Lee, Stephen Fry and Crispin Glover - just to name a few! If you're not grinning with excitement yet, I don't know what else to tell you except March 5, 2010 is far too long to wait!!
Ben Foster finally gets the lead he deserves
-K xoxo
Unbreak broken? It won't happen.
There once was a little boy who had a bad temper. His Father gave him
a bag of nails and told him that every time he lost his temper, he must
hammer a nail into the back of the fence. The first day the boy had
driven 37 nails into the fence. Over the next few weeks, as he learned
to control his anger, the number of nails hammered daily gradually
dwindled down. He discovered it was easier to hold his temper than to
drive those nails into the fence.
Finally the day came when the boy didn't lose his temper at all. He
told his father about it and the father suggested that the boy now pull out
one nail for each day that he was able to hold his temper.
The days passed and the young boy was finally able to tell his father
that all the nails were gone. The father took his son by the hand and led
him to the fence. He said, "You have done well, my son, but look at the
holes in the fence. The fence will never be the same. When you say
things in anger, they leave a scar just like this one. You can put
a knife in a man and draw it out. It won't matter how many times you
say I'm sorry, the wound is still there."
A verbal wound is as bad as a physical one. Friends are very rare
jewels, indeed! They make you smile and encourage you to succeed. They
lend an ear, they share words of praise and they always want to open
their hearts to us."
Send this to everyone you consider a FRIEND, even if it means sending
it back to the person who sent it to you. If it comes back to you, then
you'll know you have a circle of friends.
Just one more thing...
Please forgive me if I have ever left a hole in your fence!
I just received this message in an email. Well too bad for some friends of mine, I won't be the one celebrating. It seems that I will take a pass on this jubilant occasion to reflect on the past two weeks and the drama that has occurred over some high school drama that never should have happened. It never should have happened, but it did. Now I am left with, as the message says, a bunch of holes in my fence. There is a void that has been left in me and it has been growing since I first experienced being name-called in kindergarden. When I was young, I became a bully to deflect the hate onto someone else - to turn that huge finger pointing at my head onto another person. I can't point anymore fingers and since being called certain names more than once, it has officially gotten to me.
I cannot tell you how ecstatic I am that this part of my life is ending. I wish it wasn't ending on a bad note, but it is and as long as it is ending, I couldn't be bothered to care HOW it ends - it just better END, no matter what.
People afflicted with GBS should not have any stress in their lives, if they can help it, and I refuse to let another person drive another nail through my heart. I have spent nights agonizing over all the decisions I have made and come to the conclusion that no matter what I had done, someone would have been upset with me. So, as of today, I have decided that instead of changing like I so wish I could, I will stay the way I am. I will stay the way I am because as my mother reminds me, "True friends wouldn't do this to you" and the 'this' she is referring to is letting things get blown out of proportion until I don't even know which way is up anymore. Blown so out of proportion I am prepared to end friendships of almost a decade over something as small as this. Well, like the message says, I can't take another nail - as small as it may be. Certinaly not with GBS, either.
Over the years I have switched from bully, to victim - from follower to leader - in my 12 years of school and not one niche has suited me, yet. I hope university will introduce me to some people who I can relate to and who will appreciate me for the qualities that, I think (in most situations) are admirable. In high school, they are not so much appreciated. People would much rather I be boring, giddy and excited for no particular reason rather than be passionate, stubborn and fearless. In the end, I would much rather be hated for who I am, than loved for someone I'm not. Geez, it's not a wonder I would much rather hang out with a group of adults than attend a rave at a teen's house. Maybe I really am as bad as they say I am but I can't help but remind myself that some of the people I look up to most were never liked as a young adult either so maybe growing up will prove helpful to me. Maybe it won't and I will turn into a miserable workaholic like the rest of them but I am willing to take that chance. I am willing to do what I've always done and that is speak my mind and not hope that people agree, but hope that people can respect someone for their strength - not attack them for what they believe is a weakness. To all those people, I'll see you in a few years and you tell me then if being 'nice' served you well because I can predict right now that it won't. I can tell you that all those 'bitches' that you hate so much, myself included, grow up to be some of the happiest and most succesful women around. But maybe I've just been watching too much television...
-K xoxo
My Love Affair with Bill Maher
I just finished watching Bill's documentary, "Religulous" for the third time and boy, do him and Larry Charles make a fantastic team! So, because I was reminded of my adoration for Bill and his unapologetic sense of humor, I looked him up! The most interesting thing came up and it's the picture that you're probably furrowing your eyebrows at right now. Apparently, he angrily refused to apologise for wearing a bloody Steve Irwin Halloween costume. Maher, speaking on his US TV talkshow, Real Time with Bill Maher, suggested Irwin may have been "doing something" to the stingray that killed him that he "shouldn't have been".
"Stop hassling me about my Halloween costume. Yes, you've seen it on the internet. I went as the Crocodile Hunter with a bloody stinger in my chest...People who really love animals understand if you get killed by one, chances are you were doing something to it you shouldn't have been...You want me to apologise for making a joke? Who do you think I am, John Kerry?"
And that, my friends, is why I love Bill Maher. Disagree with me on this one and say it was in bad taste but first of all, would you have had the guts to wear that costume - even if you secretly thought it was quite funny? I think not. Secondly, as so NOT-PC this costume was, you cannot deny the fact that, as usual, Bill has a point. Chances are, Irwin really was doing something he shouldn't have with the animal in the first place and remember, Maher is a comedian, not a politician. But alas, it's clear to me now that, ironically, the two men share(d?) one thing and that is a fearlessness (some would call it idiocracy) that I could only wish to have a shred of inside myself.
-K xoxo
Reflexes - who needs em?!

It's quite fascinating, actually. Later, he stuck (more like shoved) a thick needle into the muscle of my hand and then hooked up all the red and blue wires. As I flexed my wrist a huge surge of colours flew across the screen and a big fuzzy noise (like when there's static on a telephone) blared out of the machine. It was really cool and made me realize all the work that my body does when I go to simply shake a persons hand or hold onto a cup of tea. Ahh, the human body...c'est un sorte de je ne sais quoi, non?
-K xoxo
Prop H8TE
Dear 'Yes on 8' supporters,
Hey there. I’m going to go out on a limb here that most of you are feeling pretty proud of yourselves right now, patting each other on the back for your 'victory'. It must feel good to win, huh? God knows I would be proud too if I woke up to find that my vote had such an impact on thousands upon thousands of people. I must say, I’d be pretty elated over the defeat of the US’s strides for separation of church and state, the victory over the very things their fore fathers fought and died for –the things the United States was founded on. Yes, I have to say, I’d be pretty enthralled with myself for the devastation of an enormous group of people, but I’m not.
I’m not because I voted no to legal discrimination; no to the idea that a religiously founded belief and opinion should have any say in the legal constitution which rules over other people who may not have the same beliefs. I voted no because I felt there was a greater need for human equality and compassion than the whims of an organized religion that practices intolerance and promotes the sub-human treatment of a group of people. I voted no because I could not bring myself to believe in the hypocrisy of a love that would deny people fundamental rights supposedly granted to everyone.
But I suppose that doesn’t matter to you, does it?
Well I hope you’re happy with yourselves now. I hope you can look into the mirror and say how happy you are to emotionally devastate hundreds of thousands of people and their loved ones. I hope you can think about that and smile without flinching.
Take pride in being a bigot, because you are. Disagree? The definition of a bigot is a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion. Utterly intolerant, as in, so intolerant that you cannot stand to allow a marriage between two people you don’t even know who you don’t deem acceptable for your definition of marriage.
And maybe you don’t understand the weight of what you’ve done because you were taught to believe that being different is NOT ok. Or maybe because you never had to fight for the same rights as your neighbor, your fellow US citizen.. your fellow human being.
But that’s no excuse.
What you have done was hurtful and inexcusable. It was a choice based on unjust fear and selfishness. Fear of what you don’t understand and cannot relate to. Selfishness of worrying over what this means for you, what this might do to YOU or your soul instead of what this means for your fellow man and woman.
And don’t pretend this was for the children because 300 pediatricians told you otherwise. Because of your vote, children who are already being raised by gay parents now have their chance for an economically protected environment ruined. Children who had the chance to be adopted by gay married parents, who OBVIOUSLY wanted them more than their heterosexual birth counterparts, will now suffer as well.
And as for YOUR children…gay marriage was never going to be taught in schools and you knew it. The California super attendant for schools and the Teachers Associations told you so. This was never about church rights because everyone told you otherwise. In fact, just about every large newspaper, major company head, California leader as well our current (Obama) AND past (Clinton) US Presidents told you it was WRONG and you voted for it anyway.
This was never about anyone but you and your fear.
I have never seen a bigger hypocritical unprecedented discriminatory injustice short of the Rwanda genocide and the Hate crime killings in my time. I can only hope that another 50 years from now we will look back at this with the same disgust and shame as we do the seperation of blacks and whites in America.
And don’t try and console me with domestic partnership because it is NOT the same a marriage. The term “marriage” isn’t just some fluffy term for us to throw around and parade about. It comes with legal power that domestic partnerships don't have. Things like...A Domestic Partnership may be dissolved without court ruling under some circumstances. Federal tax returns filed separately. In a Domestic Partnership, you do not receive Social Security, veteran's benefits and pension plan survivor benefits upon death of partner. You're not guaranteed equal benefits from employers. Your insurance isn’t guaranteed to carry. You MUST share common residence. You're excluded from long-term care benefits. You're not guaranteed family leave to care for an ill partner.
Those are just to name a few of the things wrong with Domestic Partnership. Now, would YOU want a domestic partnership instead of a marriage? I think not.
Would you want to have to wait 7 years, in some cases, before you’re even granted these simple rights?
I’m going to take a stab at this and say you wouldn’t.
So, if you wouldn’t revoke your marriage for a domestic partnership (or take a domestic partnership instead of a marriage) then why would you demand that of anyone else? You should never ask someone to do something you, yourself, are not willing to do. But alas, that seems to be the 'American Way' these days what with people sending anyone other than themselves to fight their wars, lead their country, and to parent their children because they're too busy with their jobs and social lives to be selfless and less hypocritical.
That’s equality. Justice, liberty and freedom for ALL. Not a few.
How dare you spit in the face of that because of something you feel is a sin.
You want to know what REAL sin is? REAL sin is taking away someone’s free agency – their right to choose.
Gays have the right to every one of those marriage privileges as anyone else and it’s being taken away from them. Not because they committed a crime. Not because they gave up their own free agency, but because of their sexuality. Because of something so fundamentally apart of themselves that they cannot change it no matter what you say or do. No amount of therapy will change that.
This is human cruelty.
And don’t start your victory dance yet because while you may have succeeded in your cause, thus far, it is far from over. People will not lay down and go quietly when their basic rights are being threatened. People will not stand down when they have something as powerful as LOVE to fight for. And they WILL fight for it. And they WILL endure it and they WILL, in the end, out last you. Because their motive, my motive, is something humanity has been fighting for since its inception. And you cannot stop that.
So everyone, LGBT and allies, who believes what I believe, let’s fight together. Let’s fight for love.
-K xoxo
It's Wheezy, Baby!
I just got in from a walk - I am exhausted. I had my iPod on (No Doubt - in lieu of the concert coming up, woot!) so I couldn't hear how loud I was breathing. Once I took my earbuds out I could hear how laboured my breaths were and the slight "wheezing" noise I would make as I breathed in. Yesterday I had begun developing a slight cough and I don't know if it's the humudity or what, but my breathing seems to get more and more difficult each day. That's quite frustrating, but I'm hoping it's just the weather and me being cooped up in a bedroom full of crap that the dust just loves to cling to. As well, I've noticed that when I sit for long periods of time I feel fine, minus the hands going quite cold in certain positions, I feel fine and actually quite energetic. Once I stand up though, I get the wobbly legs and light-headedness. I've noticed that when I am walking, and at no other time, there is a sharp "twang" of pain that runs straight to my fingertips when I stretch them out in a big "high 5" sort of pose. I do this to get the blood flowing through my hands and feet because if I just let them sit there completely immobile, they would just be tingly and cold all the time, which isn't any fun! So that's somewhat frustrating as well because although it's good for me to walk (doc says I should go for three short walks a day), it turns into this vicious cycle where my hands are actually in pain (only when I move them) and I'm gasping for air after only a short walk up the street. If I don't walk, though, I get very stiff and I have a much higher risk of getting a blood clot which would really not be a great thing to go through at this point. So, as you can see, the vicious cycle continues each day and I hope to be off the steroids tomorrow so that will definitly help with my sleeping problems, too!
Tomorrow, I will be meeting with the neurologist in his office so he can hook be up to some wacky electrode things that will read my brainwaves and let him know if all the signals are being sent back and forth like they should be. Clearly, not all are being sent to the motor nerves since I have had pins and needles in my hands and feet for three weeks, but this will give him a better idea of what exactly we're lookin' at here! That sounds like a lot of fun and I'm just glad that this is probably the last test that I will need for a long time, unless something changes *knock on wood* !
Finally, I got the loveliest card from the students in my french class and (thanks a lot) it made me laugh and cry all at once. Even though I am leaps and bounds better, I get mail and gifts brought home from my dad almost every day and I just have to say thanks again because it means the world to me. Next week I will be going into the school for the first time in almost a month and so I'm very anxious but it must be done. The breathing problems, the shakes - it's all frustrating, but no matter how hard I try and hide it I'm just going to have to suck it up and deal with that fact that I might be a trainwreck for the next few months. Dealing with it on my own at home is frustrating enough but I know when I see people in such a fast-paced environment I will get overwhelmed and embarrassed. I have already had my share of nervous breakdowns at various public events in the past few weeks so I doubt it will happen again but I just can't help but feel embarrassed for the lack of control that I have over my body right now and the paranoia I feel concerning a relapse, which, according to the doctor, would be A LOT worse if it ever did happen. Yes, I know my friends don't think I look bad, or pitiful or whatever I may feel like, but i can't help but feel the way I feel! I struggled to hide my tremors at last weeks Dance Recital and I am embarrassed to laugh and smile because I can feel that my face isn't doing what it should. I am so thankful for the cards and the gifts because they remind me not only what great friends I have, but what great peers I have. Thank you for your continued support and I hope to see all of you at prom - Carpé Diem!
-K xoxo
Girl, Disrupted

Little Ashes, Big Lapses (in judgement)

I Know this much is True
If you couldn't tell by the lack of posts and such, I'm new at this. However, I am not new to the process of creative writing, ranting, lurking and the like. Hopefully I haven't lost your interest already. Basically, I'm sick of ranting to friends and updating my facebook notes constantly so that's why I started a blog - something I have wanted to do for years now but never gotten the hutspah! So shoot me. Perhaps if I list a few of the rules that I live by, maybe then you will get a better sense of who I am and ultimately, if you wish to keep tuning in to these "updates" of mine...
1. Never stop thinking. You're mind is there for a reason and it is the most important tool you have - use it, or it will atrophy. Question everything.
2. Don't worry. If you worry about getting a pimple, you'll get a fucking pimple.
3. Have no fear. You shouldn't be afraid of reality.
4. Everyone is a hypocrite, just try your best not to be one all the time.
5. Stop rushing.
6. Don't let yourself be taught a religion - find it.
7. Talk to yourself - it's healthy. Who else do you have more in common with?
8. It's not half empty or half full. It's half a glass.
9. Try, because at least you'll always succeed in that.
10. Don't take anything, even this, too seriously.
So there you have it, some words that I try to live my life by and quite honestly, fail to do so very often. But hey, nobody's perfect and I hope to prove that in this blog of mine. Here, you will find an assortement of tasty treats that suit my interests and maybe even yours! Things like: movie reviews, creative writing, rants concerning politics, media, religion and anything controversial really. You will also find cheery things like upcoming Hollywood Hot Topics, random facts that I feel the need to share, and maybe even some little tidbits about my young adult life à-la fmylife.com. So, if you're still with me at this point...Congrats! and thanks for accompanying me on this whirlwind adventure. Down the rabbit hole...
-K xoxo
My Condolences...
If you are reading this right now, I only have one thing to say to you and that is...Thanks!
-K xoxo