Update #6
Dear 'Yes on 8' supporters,
Hey there. I’m going to go out on a limb here that most of you are feeling pretty proud of yourselves right now, patting each other on the back for your 'victory'. It must feel good to win, huh? God knows I would be proud too if I woke up to find that my vote had such an impact on thousands upon thousands of people. I must say, I’d be pretty elated over the defeat of the US’s strides for separation of church and state, the victory over the very things their fore fathers fought and died for –the things the United States was founded on. Yes, I have to say, I’d be pretty enthralled with myself for the devastation of an enormous group of people, but I’m not.
I’m not because I voted no to legal discrimination; no to the idea that a religiously founded belief and opinion should have any say in the legal constitution which rules over other people who may not have the same beliefs. I voted no because I felt there was a greater need for human equality and compassion than the whims of an organized religion that practices intolerance and promotes the sub-human treatment of a group of people. I voted no because I could not bring myself to believe in the hypocrisy of a love that would deny people fundamental rights supposedly granted to everyone.
But I suppose that doesn’t matter to you, does it?
Well I hope you’re happy with yourselves now. I hope you can look into the mirror and say how happy you are to emotionally devastate hundreds of thousands of people and their loved ones. I hope you can think about that and smile without flinching.
Take pride in being a bigot, because you are. Disagree? The definition of a bigot is a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion. Utterly intolerant, as in, so intolerant that you cannot stand to allow a marriage between two people you don’t even know who you don’t deem acceptable for your definition of marriage.
And maybe you don’t understand the weight of what you’ve done because you were taught to believe that being different is NOT ok. Or maybe because you never had to fight for the same rights as your neighbor, your fellow US citizen.. your fellow human being.
But that’s no excuse.
What you have done was hurtful and inexcusable. It was a choice based on unjust fear and selfishness. Fear of what you don’t understand and cannot relate to. Selfishness of worrying over what this means for you, what this might do to YOU or your soul instead of what this means for your fellow man and woman.
And don’t pretend this was for the children because 300 pediatricians told you otherwise. Because of your vote, children who are already being raised by gay parents now have their chance for an economically protected environment ruined. Children who had the chance to be adopted by gay married parents, who OBVIOUSLY wanted them more than their heterosexual birth counterparts, will now suffer as well.
And as for YOUR children…gay marriage was never going to be taught in schools and you knew it. The California super attendant for schools and the Teachers Associations told you so. This was never about church rights because everyone told you otherwise. In fact, just about every large newspaper, major company head, California leader as well our current (Obama) AND past (Clinton) US Presidents told you it was WRONG and you voted for it anyway.
This was never about anyone but you and your fear.
I have never seen a bigger hypocritical unprecedented discriminatory injustice short of the Rwanda genocide and the Hate crime killings in my time. I can only hope that another 50 years from now we will look back at this with the same disgust and shame as we do the seperation of blacks and whites in America.
And don’t try and console me with domestic partnership because it is NOT the same a marriage. The term “marriage” isn’t just some fluffy term for us to throw around and parade about. It comes with legal power that domestic partnerships don't have. Things like...A Domestic Partnership may be dissolved without court ruling under some circumstances. Federal tax returns filed separately. In a Domestic Partnership, you do not receive Social Security, veteran's benefits and pension plan survivor benefits upon death of partner. You're not guaranteed equal benefits from employers. Your insurance isn’t guaranteed to carry. You MUST share common residence. You're excluded from long-term care benefits. You're not guaranteed family leave to care for an ill partner.
Those are just to name a few of the things wrong with Domestic Partnership. Now, would YOU want a domestic partnership instead of a marriage? I think not.
Would you want to have to wait 7 years, in some cases, before you’re even granted these simple rights?
I’m going to take a stab at this and say you wouldn’t.
So, if you wouldn’t revoke your marriage for a domestic partnership (or take a domestic partnership instead of a marriage) then why would you demand that of anyone else? You should never ask someone to do something you, yourself, are not willing to do. But alas, that seems to be the 'American Way' these days what with people sending anyone other than themselves to fight their wars, lead their country, and to parent their children because they're too busy with their jobs and social lives to be selfless and less hypocritical.
That’s equality. Justice, liberty and freedom for ALL. Not a few.
How dare you spit in the face of that because of something you feel is a sin.
You want to know what REAL sin is? REAL sin is taking away someone’s free agency – their right to choose.
Gays have the right to every one of those marriage privileges as anyone else and it’s being taken away from them. Not because they committed a crime. Not because they gave up their own free agency, but because of their sexuality. Because of something so fundamentally apart of themselves that they cannot change it no matter what you say or do. No amount of therapy will change that.
This is human cruelty.
And don’t start your victory dance yet because while you may have succeeded in your cause, thus far, it is far from over. People will not lay down and go quietly when their basic rights are being threatened. People will not stand down when they have something as powerful as LOVE to fight for. And they WILL fight for it. And they WILL endure it and they WILL, in the end, out last you. Because their motive, my motive, is something humanity has been fighting for since its inception. And you cannot stop that.
So everyone, LGBT and allies, who believes what I believe, let’s fight together. Let’s fight for love.
-K xoxo
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